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The Ins and Outs of Expat Living in Vietnam: What to Expect for Lifestyle as a Teacher

A view of Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam
Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam

Congratulations on securing one of the many teaching jobs in Vietnam! You're undoubtedly excited about the visa paperwork, travel plans, and the adventure that awaits you in your new home abroad as you move to Vietnam.

But amidst the logistical to-do’s, have you paused to envision what life in Vietnam today might be like once you arrive? Will it fulfil your expectations and aspirations?

In this Vietnam Teacher article, I'll give you the insider scoop on factors like social life in Vietnam, dating, entertainment options, long-term stays in Vietnam, language learning, and more lifestyle considerations.

I aim to paint a clear, realistic picture so you can prepare accordingly.

Let’s dive in!

The Social Scene: An Active Expat Community Awaits

Are you ready to make new friends in Vietnam?

Don't assume you’ll be lonely or isolated as a foreign teacher in Vietnam! You'll find yourself becoming part of the vibrant expat community in Vietnam, quite the opposite of solitude.

The expat community is incredibly active, particularly in major cities like Hanoi and Ho Chi Minh City. There's a bustling nightlife in Vietnam, with social events occurring almost every night.

These include joining sports leagues, participating in language exchanges, attending networking events, enjoying group dinners, and more, offering ample opportunities for meeting people.

According to a recent survey by InterNations, over 70% of expats reported that making Expat friends in Vietnam was easy. So rest assured, you’ll have plenty of opportunities to connect with fellow adventurous travellers and professionals.

The dating and romance scene, including the vibrant nightlife in Ho Chi Minh City, is as lively for local and expat singles seeking romance in Vietnam. You'll constantly see groups heading out together to restaurants, bars, and clubs, enjoying the city's bustling social life.

Dating apps in Vietnam, such as Tinder and OkCupid, are popular among those engaged in local dating. So whether you’re looking for something casual or serious, there are plenty of options to connect with others.

Now, here’s an important caveat to keep in mind regarding the lifestyle in Vietnam. Some teachers in smaller rural towns or villages say there aren't as many entertainment, dating, or socializing opportunities.

Of course, you can always take weekend trips to Hanoi, Ho Chi Minh City or other bustling locales. But the scene won't be right on your doorstep if you live remotely.

So, genuinely consider the lifestyle you want. If you're very social and want constant access to events or dates, position yourself in one of the major cities. But smaller towns can provide that if you value nature, quiet, and balance more.

Neither lifestyle is better or worse – just different.

Choose based on your personality and interests!

Is Vietnam a place I can call “Home” in the long term?

The next burning question is, can Vietnam become a long-term home with a long-term visa Vietnam instead of a short-term adventure?

The answer is a resounding YES for many expats and teachers who extend their contracts year after year. Some have lived in Vietnam for over 5 years and still love it just as much as when they arrived!

What makes expat living in Vietnam so appealing in the long term?

Does an expat life in Vietnam appeal to you?

Well, for starters, the low cost of living compared to Western countries means your money stretches much further regarding things like rent, dining out and travel.

Despite rapidly growing and modernizing, Vietnam retains its deep Vietnamese culture, breathtaking natural landscapes, and slower-paced Vietnamese lifestyles in many areas. All of this contributes to a desirable quality of life.

Of course, the initial exhilaration and honeymoon phase can wear off after a few years in Vietnam, just like anywhere. At that point, staying motivated and challenged professionally is critical, as many expat blogs in Vietnam suggest, to reviving happiness.

Some long-term strategies for those considering teaching opportunities include getting licensed to teach locally, moving into academic coordinator or director roles at your school, starting side businesses, or switching careers entirely.

The main lesson?

Keep an open mind about Vietnam as a potential forever home with the right mindset, embracing the concept of living abroad. But also be self-aware and have backup plans if you eventually feel limited or bored by the lifestyle.

Learning the Local Language: Should I Bother as an Expat?

Last, let’s discuss whether learning Vietnamese is worthwhile as a foreign teacher or expat.

In a word – absolutely, 100% yes!

Here’s why.

First, speaking even basic conversational Vietnamese makes you MUCH more employable and attractive to prospective schools. It shows genuine dedication to assimilating and respecting the local culture.

Secondly, your social life in Vietnam is massively enriched when you directly communicate. Locals genuinely appreciate when expats try to learn Vietnamese, as it creates terrific personal connections.

Now, realistically, the Vietnamese language is considered one of the more challenging languages for native English speakers to pick up. Mastering the Vietnamese language's tones, characters, and grammar takes serious dedication.

But classes at local language schools cater specifically to foreigners, making it very approachable. And often include language exchange opportunities. Consistent practice, language apps, and watching Vietnamese media all help boost retention.

Even just accomplishing small goals like learning essential phrases or being able to order food and drinks at restaurants will benefit you enormously.

So, in summary – don't be intimidated by Vietnamese as a concept. Set realistic goals about vocabulary and phrases you want to conquer as an expat. The rewards of pushing your comfort zone linguistically are immense.

The Takeaway: An Exhilarating Journey Awaits in Vietnam

And there you have it – a true insider’s guide to navigating lifestyle, culture, and language as a foreign teacher getting ready to call Vietnam your new home, embracing life in Vietnam.

Between the thriving expat community, romantic landscape and optimistic economic growth, Vietnam remains a jewel among Southeast Asian destinations.

Sure, there may be surprises or challenges adjusting to daily life, but that’s all part of the adventures in Vietnam!

With an open and patient mindset, you're bound for an incredible life-changing experience teaching abroad in Vietnam, where the living costs in Vietnam will pleasantly surprise you.

So soak up every last drop of life in Vietnam, and let the journey unfold one magical moment at a time!

If you haven't already. Check out Vietnam Teacher's Ultimate Guide to Teaching in Vietnam here.


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